
Friday 16 October 2015

Erasmus+ Creating Opportunities for the UK across Europe

The project is aimed at solidifying and expanding the organisation’s relationships in the countries we
are already working with and also to increase working partnerships with Northern and Eastern countries in Europe. We are also determined to work with the new countries such as Romania as we feel our services can be supportive in activities of Transition in training, Employment, Entrepreneurship & Community development due to our experience.The project will focus on the Integration of Roma/ traveller communities, Empowerment of Women from Muslim communities, Supporting unemployed/ underemployed people with challenging behaviour and severe disadvantage.

What needs are addressed:
  • Updating staff competences in terms of specialist knowledge and skills to marginalized groups; people with fewer opportunities which are relevant to current political, economic and social situations - understanding that the indicators are constantly changing and the situation for parts of the national and international community is also changing
  • Sharing good practice about new teaching methods and tools suitable for the different people in Europe so that we can refine our tailor-made/ bespoke approach
  • Enhancing operational management competencies in order to deal with increased number of complex international projects (staff will have intensive in-house training as well as attending external training programs from EU funding bodies)
  • Managing the transition of growth successfully - nationally and internationally (addressed by consultant team and management group)
Impact on the overall organization:
  • Increased number of projects nationally and internationally, working with new partners in Europe on innovative projects focusing specifically on our target group (the hard-to-reach people) with fewer opportunities using holistic approaches of inclusion and community cohesion
  • Management: better overview of opportunities and enhanced creative processes for project development
  • Teachers/trainers: more specific skills and knowledge for our target group, new tools and structures which can be used or tailored to our needs
  • Operational staff (e.g. administration/ finance): more skills and knowledge reflecting the foreseen growth of the organizations