
Thursday 25 June 2015

Germany IBS


14th - 19th June 2015

Alternatives to the traditional integration into the labour market and promoting the Independence from benefits for disadvantaged people

Group of 2 consisting senior managers of Embrace

Host organisation: IBIS - Eberswalde

What we learnt and experienced:

  1. How people with severe disadvantage can be integrated into the labour market with environmental orientated projects and work experiences
  2. Methods of structure & motivation so that beneficiaries are able to engage in life changing activities after each placement/ work experience to foster their personal/ professional and financial development
  3. Methods to support people to restructure/ reorganise/ evaluate their life as part of the placement program when long-term unemployed. It also covered aspects of life skills in terms of health/ debt management/ housing/ settling of family conflicts and issues with drugs and alcohol
  4. Very progressive and innovative program which leads to employment/ self-employment for whole households instead of only individuals who have been long on unemployment benefits
  5. Foundation of anti-aggression training for hard-to reach people using martial arts, relaxation techniques and sports